Wednesday, September 27, 2006
i was surfing the net and i came across this article on yahoo about steve irwin. well i have the link you can go and read. it's quite touching. especially the last paragraph about his son.
Click HERE to read the article!
green green green:)at
11:09 am
Monday, September 25, 2006
soundcheck: fallen leaves - billy talent
did you guys catch the singapore idol just now? well most of us by now should know that who got crowned as the singapore idol and it was Hady Mirza. yes all you girls who find him hot can go gaga! yes you too sara. this year, i didn't play my part to vote for any of the contestants because i felt both of them actually have what it takes lah. but in the end, Hady got it.
apart from their performance, electrico played a live performance! and it's one of my favourite songs! it's actually from the old album runaway. i've still yet to get the new one. i shall wait for my pay this month which is going to be very little but i'll survive i guess. i just need to get some albums and maybe a pair faded jeans. of course some the money would have to go to my mother, my bills and my motorbike lessons.
ohh, it's one day away to your birthday, i'm sorry i couldn't celebrate it with you tomorrow but we'll have that one wednesday. promise. i'll try my best to make the best birthday you've ever had! you'll be a happy girl. :)
hmm.. well for now, let's enjoy this music video from electrico - runaway!
let's support the local scene people!
green green green:)at
10:41 pm
Sunday, September 24, 2006
soundtrack: jennifer paige - crush
i just feel that this song eases me.. maybe it's that rhythm that keeps you at ease. i've been feeling emo lately, not that i have practically to be emo with just that i think it's already Ramadhan month, it's the fasting month. most of us think it's actually the time of the month to actually to start a new, repent on your sins and such. it makes you feel closer to God. well, i agree with it. on the other hand, i just felt that i was not at my best throughout of this year. i've not been religiously active. i mean i totally don't pray at home unless i'm forced, i seldom go for friday prayers now, but i still do.. but what difference does it makes too actually? i've not been close to Him.
yesterday after work, i was asked to go and join my colleagues to have sheeshaaa (however you spell that) with them over at arab street. but i was having my second thoughts due to the starting of Ramadhan, i should be actually going on my way to the mosque for prayers instead of having fun sheeeshaa-ing. i know it's not bad actually having sheeshaa, but i guess i could have that next time. i should be doing something good and not having fun like that. well, to me i just felt it's quite not right. that's all.
it's a good thing that it's ramadhan and it makes you feel guilty and start thinking of the possibilties how you can dealt with it. but also, it is abit of an obstacle for me too. i'm actually trying to get back my fitness, start back my hockey trainings on or of where i've left and today was my first test. i had a game this evening just now against hollandse club. i got to play the first half where i was playing quite well, but i couldn't lasted throughout the game. till about 15mins, i was being sub out because maybe my coach was quite understanding because he saw my dreaded face lah. i'm very weak lah, i'm a weakling pussy. anyway, i did manage to actually keep myself strong throughout the whole match and when the match actually ended, it was for us to break fast. i was thankful i got it through.
tomorrow i have a game at 6. i'm not sure if i'm coming down for it. i might be going out with sara. her birthday is just one day away from tomorrow. i just thought i would want to spend her brithday just with her only. maybe we should be doing that more, just that i have so little time for so many things. i would not want to say the word commitments because it sounds as if i am really that old to have something that i must be committed. don't worry sara, i'll try my very best to make time for us. no promises but i'll try. hahaha.
i hope i can take my hockey quite seriously now, i'm interested in getting to play for ITE combined. the inter poly-ite is just around the corner, i want to get back my match fitness and of course mainly to get rid of my washing machine tummy, note it; it's not a wash board. it's call the washing machine. HAH HAH HAH. if you all get what it means and think that it's not funny. just laugh, i tried my best ok?
ok i'm off now to endulge my famous amos cookies and YES! AIR KARTHIRAH(or however you spell that too). air kathirah it's a drink that only comes during the fasting month, if you're not a malay and want to try this drink, get more infos from you malay or muslim friends. they'll surely say it's GOOD! trust me, food it's my kind of thing. well at least most of it. ok roger out!
green green green:)at
10:36 pm
To all my fellow muslims, Selamat Berpuasa.
green green green:)at
10:29 pm
Thursday, September 21, 2006
soundcheck: poem - taproot.
yes you.
yes of course.
ok bye.
green green green:)at
11:26 pm
soundtrack: time after time - quietdrive
i just realised time goes by pretty fast. i'm already in my first year of higher nitec, my exams are over. fasting month is just around the corner. things just happened like that. what pretty upsets me is that i guess i really didn't got the chance to actually made use of my time when i had to. i'm already losing friends contact.. maybe because we're schools apart and we don't meet up often. i already can't play much hockey due to my work and school committments. actually i blame myself for being pure lazy. it has nothing to do with school and work. ohh well it's just random i guess. maybe, maybe not. i wish i had a time machine. i would want to bring myself back to 1998 where i shouldn't had screwed my life before.
anyway, what's done is done. hmm this week has been tiring. i've been sleeping late and i've been coming home late recently too. didn't really talk to my parents, had a small misunderstanding. oh well. i was working today and i was actually rostered to actually bring the IMF people in, how cool is that. i didn't really talk much but my senior though, she did the most introduction. it was fun. i felt proud for awhile. hahahha!
okok enough typing, i need to sleep actually. i miss my bed. and of course you. so please don't get angry if i said i was busy with something because i really was busy. i'm sorry for not having time with you or what. i'll try to make up for it at least. ok i'm gone.. my eyeslids damn heavy already. night peeps.
green green green:)at
12:22 am
Monday, September 18, 2006
ok i was bored. soo i got this from michelle's blog. since i'm really that bored, at least there was something for me to do? oh well i got 41. i've done at least 41 crazy things.
how much did you get?
Level 1
( ) smoked a cigarette
( ) smoked a cigar
( ) done weed
( ) kissed a member of the same sex
( ) drank alcohol
Level 2
( x) been in love
( ) been dumped
( ) shoplifted
( ) been fired
( ) been in a fist fight
Level 3
( ) snuck out of a parent's house
( x) had feelings for someone who didn't have them back
( ) been arrested
( ) made out with a stranger
( ) gone out on a blind date
Level 4
( x) had a crush on an older person
(x ) skipped school
( ) slept with a co-worker
( ) seen someone/something die
Level 5
( x) had/have a crush on one of your FRIENDSTER friends
( ) been to Paris
( )been to Spain
(x ) been on a plane
( ) thrown up from drinking
Level 6
( x) eaten Sushi
( ) been snowboarding
( ) met someone BECAUSE of myspace
( ) been mosh pitting
Level 7
( ) been in an abusive relationship
( ) taken pain killers
( x) love/like someone right now
( x) laid on your back and watched cloud shapes go by
( ) made a snow angel
Level 8
( ) had a tea party
( x) flown a kite
() built a sand castle
( ) gone puddle jumping
( ) played dress up
SO FAR: 10
Level 9
( ) jumped into a pile of leaves
( ) gone sledding
( X) cheated while playing a game
( X) been lonely
(x ) fallen asleep at work/school
SO FAR: 13
Level 10
( ) used a fake/someone else's ID
( ) watched the sun set
( ) felt an earthquake
( ) killed a snake
Level 11
( x) been tickled
( ) been robbed/vandalized
( ) robbed someone
( x) been misunderstood
( ) pet a reindeerS
SO FAR: 15
Level 12
(x) won a contest
( ) been suspended from school
(x) had detention
( ) been in a car/motorcycle accident
SO FAR: 17
Level 13
( ) had/have braces
( ) eaten a whole pint of ice cream in one night
( ) had deja vu
( ) danced in the moonlight
SO FAR: 17
Level 14
(x) hated the way you look
( ) witnessed a crime
( ) pole danced
(x) questioned your heart
(x) been obsessed with post-it notes
Level 15
( x) squished barefoot through the mud
( x) been lost
( ) been to the opposite side of the world
( ) swam in the ocean
( x) felt like you were dying
SO FAR: 23
Level 16
( x) cried yourself to sleep
( x) played cops and robbers
( x) recently coloured with crayons/coloredpencils/markers
( x) sang karaoke
( x) paid for a meal with only coins
SO FAR: 28
Level 17
( x) done something you told yourself you wouldn't
( x) made prank phone calls
( x) laughed until some kind of beverage came out of your nose
( x) kissed in the rain
SO FAR: 32
Level 18
( ) written a letter to Santa Clause
( ) been kissed under a mistletoe
( ) watched the sun set with someone you care/cared about
( x) blown bubbles
( )made a bonfire on the beach
SO FAR: 33
Level 19
( ) crashed a party
( ) have traveled more than 5 days with a car full of people
( x) gone roller skating/ blading
( x) had a wish come true
( ) humped a monkey
SO FAR: 35
Level 20
( ) worn pearls
( ) jumped off a bridge
( ) screamed "penis" at a football game.
( ) swimming with dolphins
Level 21
( x) got your tongue stuck to a pole/freezer/icecube
( ) kissed a fish
( ) worn the opposite sex clothes
( ) Sat on a roof top
SO FAR: 36
Level 22
( x) screamed at the top of your lungs
( ) can do a one-handed cartwheel
( x) talked on the phone for more than 3 hours
( x) stayed up all night
SO FAR: 39
Level 23
( ) picked and ate an apple right off the tree
( ) climbed a tree
( ) had/been in a tree house
( ) aren't scared to watch scary movies alone
SO FAR: 39
Level 25
( x) believe in ghosts
( x)have/had more then 30 pairs of shoes(in alifetime)
( ) gone streaking
( ) been in jail
SO FAR : 41
green green green:)at
10:20 pm
Sunday, September 17, 2006
yeah man.
3rd december.
standard chartered marathon.
10km only lah.
signed up and needs to be prepared.
i have to get back my fitness.
green green green:)at
9:39 pm
Saturday, September 16, 2006
ok so i finally have someone dating me.
and we went to buy for my sister's birthday! see what i bought for her.... damn cool rightt? i knew she likes purple!
happy 3oth sis? ahhaha.
and moreeee picturesss. wheeeee!
i like the last picture most. cool shot. of course, i took it. hahaha enjoyyyy.
green green green:)at
11:16 pm
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
i came to ask my form teacher about the requirements to join NIE. and he told me that i need at least an A level, O level or a diploma cert. looks like my dream is pretty down the drain already. i'm actually quite sad after hearing that. and being in the line where i'm in now, it's unlikely that i'll be in any of the sports and wellness line. i will find time one day and head down to NIE myself to ask them actually what are the requirements and what do i have to achieve after my diploma,(hmm that is if i progress to poly from my higher nitec now after NS.) and actually get myself ready and sets my thoughts and target for it.
hmm does anyone knows where is NIE at? anyone wants to follow mee??
ohh and also, i'm looking for partner for the standard chartered marathon this year!!! i've actually once took it on 2003. it was fun! happening man.
if you think you're fit enough, strong enough, tough enough for this marathon(10km only lah!),tag me YES I'M UP FOR THIS SHIT! we'll go sign up. QUICK, TAG ME AS SOON! so that we can pay with a cheap cheap amount of registration fee. HURRY!DARE TO TRY??hahaha ok i was actually trying to try to put on the same as the standard chartered colour. hahaha promoting lah ok?
green green green:)at
9:16 pm
Sunday, September 10, 2006
ok, i'm up for some randomness.
i was blog hopping this afternoon and i came across siti's blog. it had loads of pictures.
so i'm here to put up a picture i really like alot apart from hanis' bday.
see that's hanis' cat, midnight. damn lepak right???? sooo jinak also. wahhhh.. i wish i could keep a cat too but unfortunately my father's allergic to it so we can't keep any.
my pets are 2 sucker fishes, 1 oscar fish. 5 hamsters now, 1 one them passed away. i had the feeling it was one of the parent, either the father or the mother of the hamster babies. but all of them look alike now.
now, i should get one of these days. it's damn cool. ok enough random, i think i should get back to studying. i don't know why i like studying at night, it's creepy but it's nice. don't worry.. i won't freak out because i have my radio to accompany me. just make sure i won't tune in to 94.2 warna where the dj talks about ghost stories.. hahahaha.
green green green:)at
11:08 pm
Saturday, September 09, 2006
soundcheck: crazy - gnarls barkley
i'm having my short study break right now. listening to gnarls barkley.. damn stoning and it sounds quite retro. i've been stuffed with analog and digital electronics book since an hour ago and i feel restless already. i cannot study for more than an hour.. i'm pretty worried about my exam because it's been a long time since i've done a written exam ever since i graduated secondary school. and during my nitec days in ite balestier, we did mcqs and even the teacher was there to give answers. ahahhaa but that was then.
i think maybe tomorrow i'll go over to woodlands library and do more studying there. i think i feel uneasy at home. the computer is big distraction. i don't mind the tv and and radio. but the computer.. NONO. ahahha. do libraries open on sundays? i don't know anything about libraries.. the only times i go there is when someone or anyone asked me if i would want to study with them there. i never ever ever ever went to a library to borrow story books hmm.. maybe in my whole entire life so far. how pathetic right? i never like reading. that is why you can tell it from my entries and my wonderful powerful english. hahahhaha.
soo i must see how's situation tomorrow. if everything goes well, i'll probably make my way there to study. i don't mind being alone there.. so long i can get to absorb what i have to learn.
date me tomorrow will youuu? pretty pretty prettyy pleaseeeeeeeeeee????? :DDDDD
green green green:)at
10:50 pm
ok i can't sleep. my leg hurts bad!
i was wondering just now. i'm bored yes, shoot me.
my kind of ideal girrrl would be.. here's the criteria at least;
* girls with short frizzy hair doooooo
* girls with black tank tops or t shirts with band names or logo and fitting faded jeanss(maybe torned faded jeans) whooooo big turn on!
* girls with sneakers!
* girls with big branded sunglasses
this is lust and lust won't lasts.
hahhahaha! i think i dream too much!
but i'm happy with you, don't worry. :)
green green green:)at
12:24 am
Friday, September 08, 2006
soundcheck:di atas normal - peter pan
what's next?
i sprained my ankle yesterday while playing wonderful joga bonito! now i'm struggling to walk. i'm practically walking on one leg, and it's freaking irritating because i have to limp on my left leg. i feel sad so that. my ankle right now is swollen, i actually just got back from SGH. my mother followed me for an x-ray for my ankle i should be thankful that's it's not fractured nor broken.
i have to miss tomorrow joga bonito again with my zoo mates. i'll be quarantined at home, i can even barely walk now. i feel devastated. but it's ok, i shall make it useful to study for my exam which is next week! yes, 3 more days. i need to practice my maths, analog and digital electronics.. nevermind if you don't know what the hell is that.. i don't know why, but lately i'm into the football craze. i know i suck at soccer so bad but i've been having the craze over it since last tuesday when we represented for my school. i actually thought it was an interclass futsal but instead it was inter college west. and guess what, we got joint 3rd. damn cool man. though i played for a game but i felt that it was well done to our team since that our team were made up of just our class only.. we made through the semis and that was quite far already. let's just hope i can play sports soon. i need to be back for hockey trainings and matches. hmmmm.. well just training first. hahaha.
i better need to stay at home tomorrow and at least produce my time with good revising or i'll find it hard doing my exams next week. 3 more days. more than enough. i'm looking forward to tomorrow. i have my ipod, my radio, my study table... minus the tv and computer at least till at should be enough. ok, i'm all set.
shit! i need to put medicated lotion on my ankle now. and yes the bed is calling me tooo...
green green green:)at
11:54 pm
Monday, September 04, 2006
soundcheck:fire - jimi hendrix
i know i should be sleeping at least, i have a futsal tournament tomorrow. i had lots of things to blog through my whole weekend. but i'll just put up afew photos.
Hanis turned 19 on 2th Sept. happy ahh.
The 4 monyets reunites! (3 mats and a 1/2) ahhaha.
hopefully i'll blog somemore, i have lots to blog lahhhhhhhh! ok i need to sleep, the wind is very very tempting, memanggil. selamat malam ya?
green green green:)at
11:52 pm